cyber security

Cyber Security desktop protection

Protect your digital assets with customized security service packages that provide the best defense to any virus or malfunction.

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Protect your digital assets with customized security service packages

BIT Solution's provides a robust level of protection offering real-time security against a wide variety of exploits, including software vulnerabilities and all types of malicious code. By combining desktop protection with gateway protection, you will receive the highest level of security possible, and will be protected not only against external attacks, but also those that develop from within the network.

A regulated system enforcing internal policies and compliance, coupled with both inbound and outbound e-mail protection, guard you from intrusions or attacks. As an added feature, we also provide your organization with content filtering.

We do the work, but you own the decisions. This means you control how and when potential incidents are escalated, what response actions (if any) you want us to take, and who should be included in communications. Weekly and monthly reports let you know what is happening in your environment and what steps have been taken to keep you safe.

We deal with cyber security problems and provide solutions. We offer the services to help our clients build resilience and meet the needs of the evolving landscape safely and securely. We help achieve this by providing tailored cyber security services, focusing on your specific operating model, technical demands, regulatory environment and industry dynamics.


Cyber Attacks Managed and Blocked by Team


Safely Transfered Data over Hyperlinks every hour


Expertised Team behing Cyber Security Department


Years Of Experience In Cyber Security & Safety Services

Cyber Security Desktop Protection

360 view of your IT infrastructure

Every company’s needs are unique, your IT environment should be too.

Get off the IT treadmill and let our experts worry about your backend IT infrastructure so you can free up your time and help transform your business.

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact with our team, or call +1 (905) 867-6574

DR & BC plan audits and consulting

Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity

Fully encrypted disk-based backup

Server replication & restoration

Security Service Packages
DR & BC Plan Audits And Consulting

Ready To Partner With A Cyber Security Service Provider You Can Trust?

One of our experts would be happy to discuss our Cyber Security Services with you further

50+ Satisfied Users Over The Globe

The cooperation went smooth and the BIT Solution team was quite flexible in the process of development. I Truly Recommend everyone to work with them


BIT Solution ran a smooth collaboration from start to finish. Their skilled team offered helpful ideas and were highly accessible throughout the project.


Their skilled team kept in touch and demonstrated professionalism throughout the process. They delivered high-quality products at great value.

